
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Affects of Poor Nutrition on Childrens Behavior Research Paper

Affects of Poor Nutrition on Childrens Behavior - Research stem ExampleIn 2003, Africa had an estimated 200 million clawren and adults that were under nourished according to the Food and Agricultural shaping of United Nations (The State of Food Insecurity in the World, 2003). Malnutrition is the reason for 55% deaths of children under 5 eld of age globally. Out of 2.9 million deaths annually in Africa, approximately 0.1 million were as a take of malnourishment (Benson & Shekar). Several statistics are available that show the severity of poor nourishment and to what extent is it ordinary in the world today.According to UNICEF, millions of people Worldwide suffer from varying degrees of brain damages and boney growth due to different deficiencies. In Sub-Saharan Africa, every third child is underweight and close to 20% are found to be stunted (Bekele, 1998).According to research, proper nutrition is a major(ip) determinant of a childs growth starting from as early as the intrau terine period when the child is in the womb of the mother. Therefore, proper intake of nutrients begins before birth with the mother who bears the child. It is inherent for the mother to take a nutritionally balanced diet which has a direct impact on the childs growth and development. Absence of proper nutrition intake during pregnancy can assimilate a permanent and irreversible impact on the child. Therefore, breast- feeding determines a major chunk of childs cognitive and other development per se. If the mother herself does not take a healthy diet, it is breathing out to effect the childs growth negatively. Iron being an important part of brain create from raw material determines the speed of nerve impulses which means deficiency of iron in the infancy period is likely to hit permanent damage to brain cells. This results in poor motor skills and abnormalities in behavior. It is also noticed that ill nourished children find it hard to fight diseases or infections and so they are often found in poor health and

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