
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Should companies routinely Google applicants or look at their Facebook Essay

Should companies r step upinely Google appli bathts or look at their Facebook pages as part of a reference take in before hiring - Essay ExampleIII. apply Google Search and Facebook, employees are able to survey applicants talents. IV. Counter Arguments and Responses a. Opponents argue that the practice leads to invasion of privacy. Refutation Only employees with questionable behaviors would detect this. b. Opponents claim that the practice is that it drives away talented applicants Refutation It appropriate when done as the last beat in the assessment. V. Conclusion Use of Google and Facebook to assess applicants ensures employers hire suitable employees. Companies Should Google Applicants and Look at Their Facebook Pages as break open of a Reference Check Before Hiring Name Course Tutors Name ensure Companies Should Google Applicants and Look at Their Facebook Pages as Part of a Reference Check Before Hiring Introduction Although approximately people consider social network s to be sites for their personal life, the sites are more and more becoming important in increasing or decreasing the chances of acquiring a job. Most people use social networks in informal settings and tend to share study that could be detrimental to their career life. This is because both(prenominal) employers are increasingly using search engines such as Google and social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to screen applicants. The kind of information that people share on the social networks depicts the kind of people they are. It is thus important that employers check on such information to discern if the prospective employees have underlying interest in the field, they have employ the job. Some employees also use social networks when they have too many applicants and want to narrow raze the list. By using social networks, they are able to find reason not to hire some candidates. Additionally, the kind of information people post on social network sites can demonstrate their readiness to deal with other people. This essay argues that companies should Google applicants and look at their Facebook pages as part of a reference check before hiring. The employers, particularly the human resource managers spend plenty of epoch dealing with employee problems. By conducting checks on the prospective employees, the employer can be able to discern the probability of an interviewee being problematic after employment. Using Google, employers are able to find out information regarding previous employment. This helps determine if the candidates present themselves professionally. Additionally this can help the employer understand the kind of a person the applicant is and their capability of coping with the companys culture. By doing background checks using the social networks and Goggle, employees are able to detect and eliminate candidates with tainted records or a vague past. Some managers argue that they have been able to find reasons not to hire applicants by using social networks. In most cases, the managers felt that the applicant postings such as those against former employer were rosy-cheeked flags. Additionally, some people lie about their qualification on Facebook, which depicts their deceitfulness. This saves the company the large amount of time spent dealing with problems that such employees bring into the company (DiSilvestro, 2012). Another reason why employees should carry out background checks is to determine the capability of the candidates to

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